Guidelines for Nomination of Representatives in SCOVA
The Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) is a forum for holding consultation with the stakeholders, i.e., the pensioners through their Associations and various Ministries/Departments of the Government of India, to get feedback on implementation of pension related policies, to discuss and critically examine the policy initiatives and to mobilise voluntary efforts to supplement Government action.
A mechanism has been put in place for nomination of a Standing Group comprising of 5 Associations and a Rotating Group comprising of 10 Associations through a Resolution issued from time to time. As per the existing mechanism the Standing Group serves for 3 terms of 2 years each or till the pleasure of the Chairman of SCOVA whichever is earlier and Rotating Group serves for 1 term of 2 years and is eligible for re-nomination for one more term. These Associations represent various categories of Central Government pensioners from various Regions/States.
The last reconstitution of SCOVA was done vide Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare’s Resolution No. 42/08/2013-P&PW(G) dtd.25.08.2015.
This was stated by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in Prime Minister’s office Dr. Jitendra Singh in written reply to a question by Shri Mahendra Singh Mahra in the Rajya Sabha today.
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