Important Fixation Factor in 7th CPC Basic Pay
After the release of 7th CPC Report, all central government employees have calculated the revise pay using the Pay fixation method and using online calculators. However, there are quite a few basic pays values which need to be calculate differently for the exact revised pay as per 7th CPC Recommendation.
Given below are the examples which illustrates why this kind of calculation is important for the exact 7th CPC revised value.
Example: Employee “A” drawing Basic Pay – 21000 (PB III+GP 5400)
Basic Pay ( PB III + GP 5400) | 21000.00 |
As per 7th CPC (multiplied by 2.57) | 53970.00 |
As per 7th CPC Matrix Table | 56100.00 |
Above calculation is the right method to derive the new value as per 7th CPC Recommendation.
Consider another employee “B” who is drawing the below figures
Example: Employee “B” drawing Basic Pay – 21630 (PB+GP 5400)
Basic Pay ( PB III + GP 5400) | 21630.00 |
As per 7th CPC (multiplied by 2.57) | 55589.00 |
As per 7th CPC Matrix Table | 56100.00 X |
Employee would have assumed that the revised pay would be 56100/-, however this is WRONG because the revised pay is bunched in two stage.
If you look at both the examples, there is a different in drawn pay and the revised pay as per 7th CPC is the same, which is not right for the employee “B” and a loss for this employee. To overcome this 7th CPC has recommend to do two stage bunching which means employee “B” should be given 3% additional increment and pay fixed in the subsequent cell in the pay matrix.
i.e. Since employee “B” revised value fall under bunching, the revised proposed salary revision would be as follow.
Basic Pay ( PB III + GP 5400) | 21630.00 |
As per 7th CPC (multiplied by 2.57) | 55589.00 |
As per 7th CPC Matrix Table | 56100.00 |
7th CPC Clause – Second Cell | 57800.00 √ |
Hope this article gives you more insight about the bunching value with one example. We will shortly update whether your pay is in Bunching or not for all basic pay in GOVTEMPDIARY.
Do watch out for the different bunching figures and the revised value in the coming articles.
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