Minutes of the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012
1. The 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee (NAC), which was held on 5.1.2012 at 2.30 PM at New Delhi was adjourned. Record Note of that meeting is at ANNEXURE I. The NAC next met subsequently on 17th July, 2012 at 3.00 PM in Conference Room No 119, North Block and was chaired by Shri P K Misra, Serretary DOP&T. A list of members who attended this meeting is at ANNEXURE II.
2. The Chairman welcomed all members of Official and Staff Side of the National Anomaly Committee. He mentioned that the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission were extensively discussed with the Staff Side representatives and the Government had also made improvements while implementing them. He referred to further discussions on pay related matters in this forum and Government agreement on certain issues raised by the Staff Side besides issuing of clarificatory instructions. Since some of the issues raised by the Staff Side had earlier been discussed with the Staff Side during the implementation of 6th CPC recommendations and were amicably resolved, he suggested that there has to be finality in regard to the pay scales implemented by the Government on the basis of recommendations of the 6th CPC. He stated that settled issues which were resolved in consultation with the Staff Side earlier need not be reopened.
3. The Chairman also stated that after the last meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 5th January, 2012, Government has issued orders relating to grant of one increment in pre-revised pay scale on 1.1.2006 as a onetime measure in respect of all those employees whose next increment fell between 1.2.2006 to 30.6.2006 which was a significant resolution of the issue raised by the Staff Side. Further, Temporary Status Casual Labourers have since been granted wages on the basis of the Grade Pay of Rs.1800 at Pay Band I with effect from 1.1.2006 vide DoPT OM dt. 23.01.2012, an issue raised by the Staff Side in this committee. In regard to doubling of Risk Allowance, the Chairman informed that the Government was in the process of seeking Cabinet’s approval to the proposal as requested by the Staff Side.
4. The Chairman concluded by expressing that with the spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding as evinced in the earlier meetings the issues would get resolved through the process of constructive dialogue and discussion.
5. The Leader, Staff Side, while thanking the Chairman raised the issue of irregular functioning of the JCM in various Departments. He pointed out that Departmental Councils were either not functioning or have not been constituted. He also suggested that to resolve problems in MACP Scheme an honest comparison of erstwhile ACP Scheme with MACPS may be made for analysing if there is any improvement.
6. The Secretary, Staff Side, in his opening remarks stated that though the JCM Scheme has been effective in resolving disputes between the Central Government employees and the Government of India, of late, the scheme is not being administered properly causing discontentment among the staff of the Central Government . He requested the Chairman that it should be ensured that scheme functions effectively both at the National and Departmental levels in letter and spirit. He also pointed out that in many departments, Departmental Council has not yet been formed, and where Departmental Councils are in existence they are not functioning properly. He also requested that a separate discussion should be held on MACP Scheme related matters, and the date for the same should be fixed very shortly.
7 The members of the Staff Side also raised the issue of slow progress in resolution of the issues and in this context demanded that greater delegation of decision making powers with the Ministries. The Official Side responded by stating that on issues related to common categories of personnel such a delegation of authority can lead to disturbance in vertical and horizontal relativities in the pay structure across several Departments/Ministries. Consequently, this shall give rise to a large number of anomalies which may be difficult to resolve. The Chairman assured that all the departments will be appropriately advised to revive the Departmental Councils functioning as per the JCM scheme. The Chairman also said that separate meeting for discussing the issues relating to MACP Scheme would be held under Joint Secretary (E), DoPT at the earliest in consultation with the Staff Side.
8. The Agenda Items were subsequently taken up for discussion as follows:- 8.1
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