Dress Regulations 2004 – Payment of stitching charges

RBE No. 126/2011 Uniform Circular No.06/2011 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINSITRY OF RAIIWAY (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(W)2011/UN-I/11   New Delhi, dated 20-09-2011. The General Managers (P) All Zonal Railways & Production Units. etc. Sub:- Dress Regulations 2004 – Payment of stitching charges. Ref:- Board’s letters No.(i) E(W)2001/UN-1/3 dated 08.12.2006. (ii) E(W)2007/UN-l/13 dated 31.10.2007.    Instructions were … Read more

Applicability of minimum pay/stepping up of pay – clarification reg

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) * ** * * S.No.PC-Vl/270 No.PC-VI/2010/l/RSRP/1 RBE No.115/2011 New Delhi, dated.16.08.2011 The GMs/CAOs(R), All Indian Railways & Production Units (As per mailing list) Subject: Applicability of minimum pay/stepping up of pay – clarification reg.    A reference has been received from one of the Railways mentioning a … Read more

Periodic Medical examination relaxation for Loco Pilots declared with type II Diabetes – Amendment to Annexure-III

  GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) N0.2008/H/5/18                                                                   New Delhi, dated 20.5.2011 The General Managers, All Indian Railways, (Including PUs). CORRIGENDUM Sub:- Periodic Medical examination relaxation for Loco Pilots declared with type II Diabetes – Amendment to Annexure-III (Para 509, 512) — 12.7.2 of IRMM- 2000.    Pursuant to the demand raised by … Read more

Grant of Overtime Allowance to Railway employees consequent upon revision of pay scales and allowances-date of effect.

RAILWAY BOARD ORDER GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAY (Railway Board) S.No PC-VI/260 No.PC-V/2008/A/O/3(OTA) RBE NO.72 2011 New Delhi,dated 20/05/2011 The General Managers All Indian Railways and Production Units. (as per mailing list)   Sub:Grant of Overtime Allowance to Railway employees consequent upon revision of pay scales and allowances-date of effect. The issue of revising … Read more

Counting of period spent on Extraordinary Leave as qualifying service – Clarification regarding.

RAILWAY BOARD ORDER RBE No.33/2011 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.F(E)III/2009/PN-1/10 New delhi Dated 10.03 2011 Subject:Counting of period spent on Extraordinary Leave as qualifying service – Clarification regarding.   Attention of the zonal Railways etc is invited to dause (ii) of Rule 36 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 which provides … Read more