Process to Constitute the 7th Central Pay Commission..

Process to Constitute the 7th Central Pay Commission Along with Finalization of Its Terms of Reference, The Composition and Timeframe Initiated The Government has initiated the process to constitute the 7th Central Pay Commission along with finalization of its Terms of Reference, the composition and the possible timeframe for submission of its Report. The date … Read more

R.S. Gujral, is likely to be appointed Member-Secretary of the 7th Pay Commission

The Central  Government is likely to notify the the pay commission within the next two months The timing is in such a way that it is well before the model code of conduct for the general elections comes into force. Such a move will bring a positive mood for the central government employees towards the … Read more

7th Pay Commission : Draft Terms of Reference by AIRF & NFIR

DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE 7th CPC Finalized by the Staff Side at the meeting of 25.10.2013 A. To examine the existing structure of pay, allowances and other benefits/facilities, retirement benefits like Pension, Gratuity, other terminal benefits etc. to the following categories of employees. Central Government employees – industrial and non industrial; Personnel belonging to All … Read more

7th Pay Commission Date for implementation

7th Pay Commission Date for implementation Till this moment, the oral announcement only made by the Finance Minister to constitute 7th CPC for Central Government employees. There is no further action to constitute the committee for 7th CPC and we cannot say anything about the members of the committee and when it will be constituted. … Read more