This order shall also be applicable to all ‘C’ and ‘D’ Group provisional pensioners. The Pongal Prize amount shall not be admissible to those employees who retire on or after 04-01-2021
TN Govt
Adhoc Bonus for Pongal festival 2021 – TN Govt Order
The Ad-hoc Bonus shall be computed on the basis of actual emoluments as on 31st March 2020. The amount of ad-hoc bonus shall be calculated as if monthly emoluments were Rs.3,000/- per month
On Deepavali Bonus for the employees of TN State Public Sector Undertakings
The Government of TN has announced recently Deepavali bonus worth around Rs.210.48 crore for the employees working in the PSUs.
TN Order: Public Holidays for the year 2021
The Government of Tamil Nadu pass the orders in regard to the observance of Holidays in the State of Tamil Nadu for the year 2021:
New Health Insurance Scheme extended another 1 year from 1-7-2020 to 30-6-2021 – TN Govt Order
New Health Insurance Scheme, 2016 for employees which is to expire on 30-6-2020 – Extension for another one year period from 1-7-2020 to 30-6-2021