Retirement Age 62, Merger of DA, Scrapping of NPS, inclusion of federation leaders in 7th CPC etc. – Memorandum submitted to PM

Retirement Age 62, Merger of DA, Scrapping of NPS, inclusion of federation leaders in 7th CPC etc. – Memorandum submitted to PM A confederation of recognised federations has submitted a memorandum to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh putting forth demands like extention of the age of superannuation of Central Government employees to 62 years. Other demands … Read more


RETIREMENT AGE OF LECTURERS GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF     HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTLOK SABHAUNSTARRED     QUESTION NO    1384ANSWERED ON      14.08.2013 RETIREMENT AGE OF LECTURERS 1384 .    Shri BADRI RAM JAKHARWill the Minister of    HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT     be pleased to state:- (a)    whether the Government proposes to increase the retirement age of lecturers of NCERT to 65 years on … Read more

Plan to increase retirement age of Government employees-Rajya Sabha -Q&A

Plan to increase retirement age of Government employees GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF  PERSONNEL,PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO-1465 ANSWERED ON-22.08.2013 Plan to increase retirement age of Government employees 1465 .    SHRI PANKAJ BORA (a) whether Government has any plan to increase the retirement age of Government employees; and (b) if so, … Read more