regarding the introduction of provisions for writing the APAR (Annual Performance Appraisal Report) of Railway Employees working in Grade Pay 1800/Level-1
Exemption from Routine Transfers for Physically Handicapped Railway Employees
The Railway Board has issued a directive to all Zonal Railways/Pus regarding the exemption from routine transfer/rotational transfer for disabled Non-Gazetted employees working on Zonal Railways.
Railway Board sets new limits for cost of attendants hired through outsourcing agency
The Indian Ministry of Railways has issued a clarification regarding the cost ceiling of attendants who are engaged in lieu of TADK (Train Attendant-cum-Cook) through contracted manpower outsourcing agencies.
Grant of Proforma Promotion under NBR to Railway Officials on Deputation
Regarding transfer on deputation/foreign service for Railway employees who have been promoted to higher posts in their cadre while on deputation through 70% selection
Empowering CAOs for Efficient Construction Project Management
The Ministry of Railways in India has issued a letter to General Managers and other railway organizations regarding the delegation of powers to the Chief Administrative Officer/Construction for construction projects