All the SPARSH pensioners having their account with SBI, whose annual Life Certificate is still pending are requested to visit nearest SBI bank branch
Extension of Annual identification to avoid stoppage of pension
Pensioners who have performed Annual identification through any available modes may check their status by visiting link
Income Tax Demand Notice – Mismatch of Tax credit for the FY 2020-21 (AY 2021-22)
Regarding Income Tax Demand Notice under section 143(1) due to mismatch of Tax credit for the Financial Year 2020-21 (AY 2021-22)
SPARSH outreach program in DPTI auditorium on 13th & 14th Dec, 2022
SPARSH outreach program will be held at DPTI auditorium, O/o PCDA(Pension), Prayagraj for redressal of SPARSH related grievances of Defence pensioners and their families
Disability Pension Element Special Family Pension in case of death of ESM
Regarding Grant of Disability Pension/Element/Special Family Pension in case of death of ESM due to COVID-19 – clarification thereon