grant of Qualification Grant (Higher Qualification Incentive) has still not been received along with rates applicable for admittance & payment
Dearness Allowance to all Army Officers & Personnel w.e.f 01.01.2022
Regarding Grant of revised rate of Dearness Allowance & Payment wef 01.01.2022 to all Army Officers & Personnel below Officer Rank including Non Combatants (Enrolled)
Admissibility of CTG on Retirement
To settle down at the last station of duty or Other than last station of duty after retirement, full CTG i.e. at the rate of 80% of the last Month’s Basic Pay will be admissible.
Holding of Nation-wide Pension Adalat on Thursday, May 5, 2022
A Nation-wide Pension Adalat, is being organized on Thursday May 5, 2022 through Video Conferencing in the gracious presence of Hon’ble Minister of State (PP) and Secretary (P&PW).
Compliance to communication security advisory for government officials
Regarding Guidelines to be followed in the interest of communication security