Pension in respect of TA personnel granted Honorary rank of Lieutenants/Captains. O/o THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD-211014 REGISTERED Circular No: 541 Dated: 26.05.2015 To The OI/C Records/PAOs (ORs) Subject: Pension in respect of TA personnel granted Honorary rank of Lieutenants/Captains. As per Para 172(c) of Regulations for the Territorial Army […]
PCDA Pension Circular
Delay in preferment of pension claims in respect of normal discharge PBOR of Army, Navy and Air Force
Delay in preferment of pension claims in respect of normal discharge PBOR of Army, Navy and Air Force O/o THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD-211014 MOST IMPORTANT REGISTERED Circular No: 540 Dated: 11.05.2015 To The OI/C Records/PAOs (ORs) Subject: Delay in preferment of pension claims in respect of normal discharge PBOR […]
Revision of 43% and 45% commuted portion of pre-2006 Armed Forces absorbees…..
Revision of 43% and 45% commuted portion of pre-2006 Armed Forces absorbees who had drawn lump-sum payment on absorption in PSU/Autonomous bodies- Stepping up of notional full pension with effect from 24.09.2012. O/o THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD-211014 MOST IMPORTANT REGISTERED Circular No: 539 Dated: 1.05.2015 To The OI/C Records/PAOs […]
Grant of service element to Pre -30.08.2006 released Non Regular Officers in Aggravation cases.
Grant of service element to Pre -30.08.2006 released Non Regular Officers in Aggravation cases. OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD-14 Circular No. 23 No. G-1/M/02/ICO’s/Vol/-XIV/2015 Date: 27.05.2015 SUB:- Grant of service element to Pre -30.08.2006 released Non Regular Officers in Aggravation cases. REF: This office Circular No. 02 dated 17.11.2006 (enclosed as Annexure […]
PCDA pension circular 350-Improvement in the pension of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR)
PCDA pension circular 350-Improvement in the pension of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) Important Circular Circular No. 350 No.Gts/Tech/0160-volXII Office of the PCDA (P) Allahabad-211014 Dated: 19-5-2006 To, The Treasury Officer The Post Master Kathua (J&K), Camp Bell Bay (Andman & Nicobar) The Defence Pension Disbursing Officer Pay and Accounts Officer Military and Air Attache, […]