Pharmacists Day -25.09.2018 NFIR’s Hearty greetings and congratulations to the Pharmacists of India and Indian Railways: Today — 25th September, 2018 being the Pharmacist Day World Over, NFIR feels privileged to convey hearty greetings and good wishes to the Pharmacist community as a whole in general and Indian Railways Pharmacists in particular. Pharmacists have been […]
NFIR – Denial of payment of Breakdown Allowance to the staff working in GP 2000/Level 3 of 7th CPC
NFIR – Denial of payment of Breakdown Allowance to the staff working in GP 2000/Level 3 of 7th CPC No. I/5(g)/Pt. V Dated: 22/09/2018 The Secretary (E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Denial of payment of Breakdown Allowance to the staff working in GP 2000/Level 3 of 7th CPC-reg. Ref: (i) Railway Board’s […]
Requesting to protect the Railway Staff from violent attacks while doing duties -NFIR
Requesting to protect the Railway Staff from violent attacks while doing duties -NFIR No. II/34/2018-Part I Dated: 19/09/2018 The Chairman, Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Incidents of violent attacks on Railway employees in the course of performing their duties-reg. Of late, it is noticed that the Railway employees are becoming targets of physical attacks by […]
Grant of HPCA & PCA to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Railway employees working in Railway Hospitals & Health Units/Clinics
Grant of HPCA & PCA to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ Railway employees working in Railway Hospitals & Health Units/Clinics No. I/5(g)/Part VI Dated: 19/09/2018 The Secretary (E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Grant of Hospital Patient Care Allowance (HPCA) & Patient Care Allowance (PCA) to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ (non-ministerial) Railway employees working […]
Attention to ensure proper revision of pension of Pre-2016 Retired Running Staff – NFIR
Attention to ensure proper revision of pension of Pre-2016 Retired Running Staff – NFIR No.II/35/2018 Dated: 18/09/2018 The Secretary (E), Railway Board New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Retired Running Staff – Improper instructions of Railway Board – reg. Ref: (i) GS/ NFIR’s letter to Railway Board vide no. II/35/Part XIV dated 15/01/2018 (ii) […]