The fresh PPO Booklet with the twelve digit PPO No. should be generated and sent to CPAO along with SSAs for arranging future pension payments through Banks
Updation of Format ‘A’ of e-scroll and XML files – CPAO
Updating data through The path to download the XML files is
Change of option by a Pensioner/Family Pensioner from FMA to CGHS (OPD) facility and vice-versa – CPAO
Regarding Procedure for implementation of change of option by a Pensioner/Family Pensioner from FMA to CGHS (OPD) facility and vice-versa
CPAO : Payment of allowances attached to Gallantry Awards/Police Medals along-with pension
Regarding approval of Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) for making payment of Monetary Allowances attached to Gallantry Awards/Police Medals to retired personnel from the pension grant.
CPAO – Payment and reimbursement on account of LTC to the Family pensioner of UT Chandigarh
Regarding reimbursement of payment made to Union Territory of Chandigarh pensioners on account of LTC