DOPT : Items proposed by the Staff-Side, NC(JCM) for discussion in the National Anomaly Committee

DOPT : Items proposed by the Staff-Side, NC(JCM) for discussion in the National Anomaly Committee F.No.11/2/2016-JCA-I(Pt.) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel Training North Block, New Delhi Dated the 30th October, 2017 To Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra Secretary, Staff-Side National Council, JCM 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110001 Subject:— Items … Read more

MAHA DHARNA ON 9th, 10th & 11th NOVEMBER 2017 – NEW DELHI

NFPE CIRCULAR – MAHA DHARNA ON 9th, 10th & 11th NOVEMBER 2017 – NEW DELHI National Federation of Postal Employees 1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001 Phone: 011.23092771  ,e-mail: Mob: 9868819295/9810853981   ,website: No.PF-01(a)/2017  Dated: 11th September, 2017 CIRCULAR To             All General Secretaries / NFPE Office Bearers            … Read more

Mass Dharna on 17th October 2017 – Charter of Demands

Mass Dharna on 17th October 2017 – Charter of Demands 17th OCTOBER 2017 ORGANIZE MASS DHARNA AT ALL STATE CAPITALS As already communicated in Confederation CHQ circular dated 07.09.2017, all C-O-Cs and Affiliated organisation are requested to organize Mass Dharna at all State Capitals on 17th October 2017 demanding immediate settlement of 21 points Charter … Read more

Agitation programmes of NFPE & Confederation – AIPEU-GDS

Agitation programmes of NFPE & Confederation – AIPEU-GDS Dear Comrades, The Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers decided to conduct series of agitation programmes on the issues of working class & Central Govt. Employees as scheduled below. NFPE is the major organization in the CCGEW and endorsed the agitation programmes announced on the charter … Read more

Items of agenda for National Anomaly Committee Meeting

Items of agenda for National Anomaly Committee Meeting No.NC-JCM–2017/7th CPC Anomaly August 16, 2017 To The Dy.Secretary – JCA Department of personnel & Training North Block New Delhi – 110 001 Sub: Items of agenda for National Anomaly Committee Meeting. Ref: Your letter No.11/2/106-JCA dated 5/5/2017 and 17.7.2017 Dear Sir, We send herewith items for … Read more