GPF Retirement of subscriber Rule 32 The General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 RULE 32- RETIREMENT OF SUBSCRIBER When a subscriber- (a) has proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement or if he is employed in a vacation department, on leave preparatory to retirement combined with vacation, or (b) while on leave, has been permitted […]
GPF Re-assignment of policies Rule 24
GPF Re-assignment of policies Rule 24 The General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 RULE 24- REASSIGNMENT OF POLICIES 1) Save as provided by Rule 28 when the subscriber- (a) quits the service; or return of the policy; or (b) has proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement and applies to the Accounts Officer for re-assignment […]
GPF Final withdrawal of accumulations in the fund Rule 31
GPF Final withdrawal of accumulations in the fund Rule 31 The General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 RULE 31- FINAL WITHDRAWAL OF ACCUMULATIONS IN THE FUND When a subscriber quits the service, the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall become payable to him: Provided, that a subscriber, who has been dismissed […]
GPF Bonus of Policies Rule 23
GPF Bonus of Policies Rule 23 The General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 RULE 23- BONUS OF POLICIES The subscriber shall not during the currency of the policy draw any bonus the drawal of which during such currency is optional under the terms of the policy, and the amount of any bonus which under […]
GPF Assignment of policies Rule 22
GPF Assignment of policies Rule 22 The General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 RULE 22- ASSIGNMENT OF POLICIES (1) The policy within six months after the first withholding of a subscription or withdrawal from the Fund in respect of the policy or in the case of an insurance company whose headquarters are outside India, […]