Regarding the issuance of interest certificates for National Savings Certificates (NSC). The order addresses the issue of grievances related to the non-issuance of interest certificates by post offices based on the annual accrual of interest
DOP -Department of Posts
Salary & Pension Disbursement for ONAM & Ganpati Festivals (Aug-Sept 2023)
This post pertains to the disbursement of salary, wages, and pension to Central Government employees for the month of August 2023 in Kerala due to the ONAM festival, and for the month of September 2023 in Maharashtra due to the Ganpati Festival
GDS Online Engagement Schedule-II (July 2023)
The Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, Government of India, has released a notification (No: 17-67/2023-GDS) dated 01.08.2023, regarding the GDS Online Engagement Schedule-II for July 2023.
Clarification on Combined Duty Allowance (Order No. 19-13/2022-GDS)
The Government of India’s Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts has issued a clarification regarding the payment of Combined Duty Allowance (CDA) to Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) employees
Changes in National Savings Schemes- GSPR, Post Office Savings & NSS(MIA)
Regarding the circulation of amendments in various savings schemes