Fin-(C)-B(7)-2/2006 Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Regulations) Department Dated Shimla-171002, the 16th April, 2011 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subiect: Grant of Dearness Allowance to the employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.01.2011 In continuation of this Department’s OM of even number dated the 27th January, 2011, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to enhance Dearness Allowance from […]
Dearness allowance news
Stay informed about the latest Dearness Allowance (DA) news and updates. Learn about the DA order and how it affects government employees' salaries. Keep up-to-date on any changes and announcements regarding DA rates and implementation.
List of Allowances & Advances increased 25% increased due to DA raise more than 50%in Railways from 1.1.2011
1- Children Educational Allowance Existing Revised 1000.00 1250.00 2- Hostel Subsidy Allowance 3000.00 3750.00 3- Child Care Allowance (for Disabled) 1000.00 1250.00 4- Washing Allowance 60.00 75.00 5- Travelling Allowance (T.A) 210.00 263.00 340.00 425.00 400.00 500.00 460.00 575.00 520.00 650.00 6- National Holiday (NHA) 170.00 213.00 212.00 265.00 280.00 350.00 7- Break Down Allowance […]
Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations
F.No.2 (54)/2008-DPE (WC) GL – IV/2011 Government of India Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises Department of Public Enterprises Public Enterprises Bhawan Block No.14, CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi, the 30th March, 2011. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Payment of DA to the CDA pattern employees of 69 CPSEs governed by HPPC recommendations. The undersigned […]
Haryana increases DA for state govt employees to 51 pc
Haryana Finance Minister Ajay Singh Yadav today announced to enhance the rate of Dearness Allowance (DA) payable to the State Government employees from existing 45 to 51 per cent and it would be given in cash with effect from January 1, 2011. Yadav said an increase of six per cent has been made in the […]
Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2011 to the employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale as per 5th CPC
No.1(3)/2008-EII(B) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, 31st March, 2011 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Rate of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2011 to the employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale as per 5th CPC. The undersigned is directed to refer to […]