CONFEDERATION OFCENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERSA-2/95, Manishinath Bhawan, Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-110 Tel: 011-2510 5324: Mobile: 98110 48303 17th April 2013 Dr Manmohan Singh,Hon’ble Prime Minister of IndiaSouth Block,New Delhi – 110001 Sir, Subject: Grant of Dearness Allowance to Central Govt Employees and Officers – Reg. I am to invite your kind attention to […]
Dearness allowance news
Stay informed about the latest Dearness Allowance (DA) news and updates. Learn about the DA order and how it affects government employees' salaries. Keep up-to-date on any changes and announcements regarding DA rates and implementation.
when will Dearness allowance come before 22nd April or after?
The decision on Dearness Allowance will be declared only after the Finance Minister’s arrival?! It is really surprising that, even after the month prescribed by 6CPC to announce the Dearness Allowance passed, the central government yet to decide the rate of dearness allowance to be paid to central government employees from January 2013. Almost all […]
Dearness allowance January 2013-Still no news !!
Central D.A. from Jan’13 : Still no news !! Most surprisingly, there is still no news on cabinet approval or announcement of D.A. payable to Central Govt. employees and pensioners even on the third week of April. F.M. is again on foreign tour and even if any cabinet meting takes place tomorrow, the chances of […]
BSNL / CPSE DA from April, 2013 @ 74.9% – Payment of IDA to Board Level and below Board Level Posts including non-unionised supervisors – Revision of Scales w.e.f. 01.01.07
F.No.2(70)/2008-DPE (WC) – GL-IX/13Government of IndiaMinistry of Industries and Public EnterprisesPublic Enterprises Bhawan Block 14, CGO ComplexLodi Road, New Delhi-110003Dated 8th April 2013 Office Memorandum Subject – Board level and below board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector enterprises (CPSE) – Revision of Scales of pay w.e.f 01.01.2007 – Payment of IDA […]
Central staff have to wait for D.A
Central staff have to wait for D.A Central Govt. employees have to wait for a few more days for Dearness Allowance. The P.M is currently on a tour to Germany and cabinet meeting is most likely to be on the next week. The approval of D.A. from January 2013 is already delayed for some weeks […]