The available variants and latest Price list of Hyundai TUCSON car in CSD are given below. The availability of cars and other details according to the CSD can get from the nearest CSD dealer.
CSD car purchase eligibility 2020 PDF download here
Eligibility for CSD car purchase updated on 29th October 2020. According to the pay levels of the employee’s maximum limit of cost based on serving/retired/widows has given here.
Hyundai New Xcent car latest models available in CSD
The available variants and latest Price list of New Xcent in CSD are given below. The availability of cars and other details according to the CSD can get from the nearest CSD dealer.
Hyundai Elantra car latest models available in CSD
Hyundai Elantra is a good compact car which provides option to choose between hatchback and sedan body styles, both of which have ample cargo space and deliver a smooth ride. The cabin is well-built, and the seats are comfortable. The Elantra also gets a good predicted reliability rating.
Hyundai New Creta car latest models available in CSD
Hyundai Creta gives me the best experience. It has a better look as well as better performance best car in looks as well as spacious and smooth. The driving experience is good. Also, we can trust at Hyundai’s build quality, and service and maintenance are good.