Regarding Enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners who are residing in areas not covered under CGHS- recommendation of Departmental related Parliamentary Standing Committee (DRPSC)
New CGHS Mobile Application for Android based devices
CGHS has launched a new mobile application for Android based platforms, named ‘myCGHS’
Cashless Facilities to CGHS Beneficiaries – Loksabha
Regarding providing cashless facilities to the eligible CGHS beneficiaries
NCJCM Letter to MoH&FW : Difficulties being faced by the CGHS beneficiaries both Serving employees & Pensioners
Difficulties being faced by the CGHS beneficiaries both Serving employees & Pensioners due to withdrawal of empanelment & nonpayment of amount due to the hospitals
CGHS: Revision of rates of C.G.H.S. for Empanelled Hospitals
Revision of rates of C.G.H.S. for Empanelled Hospitals CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES & WORKERS1″ Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi — 110001 Ref: Confd./CGHS/2022 Dated – 27.01.2022 ToShri Alok SaxenaDirector GeneralC.G.H.S.Ministry of Health & Family WelfareGovernment of India, New Delhi Sub: – Revision of rates of C.G.H.S. for empanelled Hospitals. Sir, We are […]