Regarding Sengupta Hospital & Research Institute, Ravinagar Square, Nagpur is de-empanelled from CGHS Nagpur with immediate effect
CGHS : De-empanelment of Samvedana Happiness Hospital, Ahmedabad
Samvedana Happiness Hospital, Ahmedabad is instructed to provide treatment to the admitted/under treatment CGHS beneficiaries till completion of their treatment.
Date for submission of the acceptance letter under CGHS extended upto 15th Oct 2022
The date for submission of the acceptance letter has been extended to 15th October 2020. The validity of empanelment of the private HCOs under CGHS has been extended till 15th October 2022
Supreme court Judgement for reimbursement of medical claims under the Central Government Health Scheme
Regarding Expeditious settlement of reimbursement of medical expenses to pensioner within one month of submission of Bill’s for treatment in Private Hospital
Loksabha: Facilities of Cancer treatment extended to CGHS beneficiaries
Regarding the details of maximum amount covered under Central Government Health Scheme for Cancer Patients