CGDA: Dispensation of conditions of applying ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ for House Rent Allowance

CGDA: Dispensation of conditions of applying ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ for House Rent Allowance No. AN/XII/18007/I/Vol.54 Dated: 10.02.2020 KIND ATTENTION OF PCDAICDA/ESTATE OFFICERS To All PCsDA/CsDA PCA (Fys) Kolkata (Through CGDA’s website) Sub: Dispensation of conditions of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ for admissibility of House Rent Allowance. Reference is invited … Read more

Defence: Rates of reimbursement of briefcase allowance

Defence: Rates of reimbursement of briefcase allowance Controller General of Defence Accounts sis Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010 No. AN/14/14114/III/JCM/Briefcase Dated: 28.01.2020 IMPORTANT CIRCULAR All PCsDA/CsDA/PCA (Fys) (Through Website) Sub: Reimbursement of briefcase allowance in the Defence Accounts Department. It has come to the notice of this HQrs. that some of the Controller … Read more

Reimbursement of medical claims to Pensioners under CS(MA) Rules 1944 – guidelines


CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010 (Ph.011-25665714,25665560/Fax-011-25674806/Email: admin IMPORTANT CIRCULAR No. AN/XIV/19015/Govt. Orders/TA/DA/LTC/Medical Dated: 29/11/2019 To, All PCsDA/CsDA/PCA (Fys.) (Through website) Sub: Reimbursement of medical claims to Pensioners under CS(MA) Rules 1944 – guidelines issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide its OM No. S.14025 … Read more

Sanction for holding an elective office under Rule 15(1)( c) of CCS (Conduct ) Rules 1964-Reg


Controller General of Defence AccountsUlan Batar Road , palam, Delhi Cantt-110010 AN-1/1962/5/PF/II Dated 27-9-2019 ToAll PCsDA/CSDA/PIFAs/IFAs/PCA(Fys) Sanction for holding an elective office under Rule 15(1)( c) of CCS (Conduct ) Rules 1964-Reg Please find enclosed a copy of GoI OM bearing F.No.11013 /1/2016-Estt A/III dated 05.8.2019, [ Click to Read this OM and its References … Read more

Correction Slips(CGDA)  – Amendment to O.M Part-I (2014 edition): Circulation of CS No. 06/2019 & 07/2019

Correction Slips(CGDA)  – Amendment to O.M Part-I (2014 edition): Circulation of CS No. 06/2019 & 07/2019 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (FYS) (AN-I Section) 10-A, S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA: 700001 No. 2337/AN-I/Vol-IX Dated: 06.08.2019 To 1) All CsFA (Fys)/IFA (Fys) 2) All Officers-in-Charge, Br. Accounts Offices 3) … Read more