Regarding extending the Annual increment to the Central Government Employees on January and July from 01-01-2006(6th CPC anomaly)
8th Pay Commission News
7th Pay Commission – Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance in cases where the basic pay in parent cadre
GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(RAILWAY BOARD) PC-VII No. 179RBE No. 09/2022 F.No.F(E)II/2017/DE/1/2 New Delhi, dt.17.01.2022 The General Managers/Pr. Financial Advisors,All Indian Railways & Production Units incl. RDSO,(As per Standard Mailing List) Sub:- Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance in cases where the basic pay in parent cadre has been upgraded on account of NFU, MACP, NFSG, […]
7th Pay Commission: Clarification related to grant of financial upgradation under MACP schemes
Clarification related to grant of financial upgradation under MACP schemes OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (FYS)10-A, S. K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 001Pay-Tech Section No. Pay/Tech-I/01(7th CPC)MACP dated: 01/12/2021 ToAll CFAs Subject: Clarification related to grant of financial upgradation under MACP schemes A copy of HQrs_ Office letter No-Estt/Pay-Tech/ 7thCPC/Corr/Vol-l, dated 24/11/2021, […]
7th Pay Commission: 7th CPC Pay Fixation upon merger/upgradation of post and ascertainment of DNI
7th CPC Pay Fixation upon merger/upgradation of post and ascertainment of DNI OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (FYS)10-A, S. K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 001Pay-Tech Section No. Pay/Tech-1/01(6 CPC) ACP/MACP dated: 12/11/2021 ToAll CFAs Subject: Fixation of pay on Restructuring: Merger of posts of JSO with SSO-II A copy of HQrs Office […]
7th Pay Commission : FFixation of pay of Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS)/Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service (RBSSS) officers at the time of promotion from the grade of Under Secretary
Fixation of pay of Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS)/Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service (RBSSS) officers at the time of promotion from the grade of Under Secretary/Dy. Director/Pr. Private Secretary to the grade of Dy. Secretary/Jt. Director/Sr. Principal Private Secretary — in context of 7 CPC pay structure GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR)Ministry of Railways (Rail […]