DA merger, Interim Relief…..Everything stands rejected-confederationhq

DA merger, Interim Relief…..Everything stands rejected-confederationhq EDITORIAL POSTAL CRUSADER DECEMBER-2014 NDA AND UPA TWO SIDES OF SAME COIN New Central Govt. under the leadership of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi has completed six months in office. As far as the common people and working class of this country is concerned, no positive action … Read more

50% DA Merger and Interim Relief to be discussed in the National Convention of NC JCM Meeting – INDWF

50% DA Merger and Interim Relief to be discussed in the National Convention of NC JCM Meeting – INDWF INTUC INDIAN NATIONAL DEFENCE WORKERS FEDERATION INDWF/Circular/012/2014 Date : 17.11.2014 To All Office Bearers and Working Committee Members, INDWF Sub: Holding of National Convention of the National Council (JCM) Staff Side – reg. Ref: National Council … Read more

AIRF – PRESS RELEASE – Central Government is reluctant to consider Merger of DA,Interim Relief and Scrapping NPS

AIRF – PRESS RELEASE – Central Government is reluctant to consider Merger of DA,Interim Relief and Scrapping NPS PRESS RELEASE HUBLI-18thNov, 2014 On the eve of 90th Annual Convention of All India Railwaymen Federation Shri, Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF addressing the press conference informed that 90th Annual Convention of AIRF is being organized at … Read more


NATIONAL CONVENTION OF JCM NATIONAL COUNCIL STAFF SIDE ON 11TH DECEMBER 2014 UNITED MOVEMENT OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NATIONAL CONVENTION OF JCM NATIONAL COUNCIL STAFF SIDE ON 11TH DECEMBER 2014 JCM, National Council, Staff Side organizations will be organizing a National Convention of all Central Government Employees at New Delhi on 11.12.2014. Railway, Defence & … Read more


DA MERGER * INTERIM RELIEF * DATE OF EFFECT OF 7TH CPC RECOMMENDATIONS FROM 01.01.2014 * INCLUSION OF GDS IN 7TH CPC ETC. CONFEDERATION INTENSIFIES STRUGGLE MASS SQUATTING On 18th November 2014 Minimum 3000 Central Government Employees will participate at all state capitals to protest against the negative attitude of the NDA Government towards the … Read more