Enhancement of rates of various allowances by 25% every time DA payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50% Controller General of Defence Accounts Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010 No. AN/XIV/6th CPC/Corr./Vol-XII Dated: 29.04.2014 To All PCsDA/CsDA Sub: Enhancement of rates of various allowances by 25% every time DA payable on the […]
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Enhancement in the rate of various allowances by 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness allowance upto 100% w.e.f 01.01.2014.
Enhancement in the rate of various allowances by 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness allowance upto 100% w.e.f 01.01.2014. Government of India/Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Railways /Rail Mantraraya (Railway Board) PC-VI No. 336 RBE No. 39/2014 No.F(E)1/2011/AL-28/18 New Delhi, dated 29.04.2014 The General Managers, All Indian Railways etc. (As per Standard Mailing List) […]
25% increase in certain allowances from 1.1.2014-Clarification issued by Dopt
Clarification on increase in certain allowances by further 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowances w.e.f. 1.1.2014 No.A-27012/1/2014-Estt. (Allowance) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel & Training Block-IV, Old JNU Campus New Delhi, 28th April, 2014. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Clarification on increase in certain allowances by […]
Revision of the rates of Allowance in lieu of Running room facilities, Shunting Duty Allowance, Trip Allowance and Commercial duty Allowance pay able to the running staff with effect from 1-1-2011.
Revision of the rates of Allowance in lieu of Running room facilities, Shunting Duty Allowance, Trip Allowance and Commercial duty Allowance pay able to the running staff with effect from 1-1-2011. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) S.No. PC-VI/ 335 RBE NO. 36 /2014 No.E(P&A)II-2005/RS-34 New Delhi, dated 22.4.2014. The General Managers(P)/CAOs, All […]
7th pay commission and 50%DA Merger- Agenda for Standing Committee of National Council(JCM)
7th pay commission and 50%DA Merger- Agenda for Standing Committee of National Council(JCM) No.NC-JCM/2014/VII CPC Dated: April 9, 2014 The Chairman, Standing Committee National Council(JCM), South Block, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Agenda for discussion in the Standing Committee of National Council(JCM) An agenda, comprising of 09 items, to be discussed in the Standing Committee […]