Agenda Items for next meeting of Standing Committee of NC (JCM)-reg.

Agenda Items for next meeting of Standing Committee of NC (JCM)-reg. NFIR National Federation ofIndian Railwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI – 1 1O 055 Affiliated to : Indian l.lational Trade Union Congress (INTUC) International Transport Workers’ Federation (lTF) No. IV/IFIR/SCM/Pt.VI Dated: 05/03/2017 The Secretary, JCM (Staff Side), 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi Dear Brother, … Read more

Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2016

Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts – Scheme for filling up of vacancies after 31.12.2016 RBE No.20/2017 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS RAILWAY BOARD No.E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15 New Delhi,dated 03.03.2017 The General Managers (P) All Indian Railways & PUs. (As per standard list) Sub: Revised classification and mode of filling up of … Read more

Revision in the rate of Ration Money Allowance in respect of Non-gazetted RPF/RPSF personnel 28.02.2017

Revision in the rate of Ration Money Allowance in respect of Non-gazetted RPF/RPSF personnel 28.02.2017 MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No.E(P&A)I-2005/All/RPF/2 RBE No.17/2017 New Delhi, dataed 28.02.2017. The General Managers All Indian Railways and Production Units. Sub: Revision in the rate of Ration Money Allowance in respect of Non-gazetted RPF/RPSF personnel. In terms of Board’s … Read more

Information on House Rent Allowance – CGDA

Information on House Rent Allowance – CGDA Office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt – 10 No.AN/III/3012/Circular Vol-VII Dated 03-03-2017 To, All PCsDA/PCA (Fys)/PIFAs CsDA/CsFA (Fys)/IFAs (Through CGDA Website) Subject: Information on House Rent Allowance-regarding. Please find enclosed copy of Min. of Defence, Deptt. of Expenditures, ID No.11-1/2016-IC/Pt.II dated 23.02.2017 on the … Read more

PCDA Circular 575-Delay in dispatch of PPOs to the PDA by the Record Offices

PCDA Circular 575-Delay in dispatch of PPOs to the PDA by the Record Offices Office of the Principal” CDA(Pensions) Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad- 211014 REGISTERED Circular No. 575 Dated: 20th February, 2017 To, All Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs) 0 I/ C, All Record Offices Subject: Delay in first payment of pensionary awards and revised pension after … Read more