Observance of “Demand Day” on 19th March 2021 for guarantee of Minimum Pension & Dearness Allowance etc under National Pension System (NPS).

Observance of “Demand Day” on 19th March 2021 for guarantee of Minimum Pension & Dearness Allowance etc under National Pension System (NPS).

Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh

REF: BPMS/ 18th TC/ Cir/ 55

Dated: 21.02.2021


The Office Bearers & CEC Members BPMS &
The Presidents/ General Secretaries
Unions affiliated to this federation

Sub: Observance of “Demand Day” on 19th March 2021 for guarantee of Minimum Pension & Dearness Allowance etc under National Pension System (NPS).

Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Sadar Namaskar

I hope all of you are quite well and busy in trade union activities to uplift the organization. As you know that we have been continuously opposing National Pension System (NPS) since its implementation in 2004, because it lacks very basic features of Social Security like guarantee of Minimum Pension, Protection from inflation (Dearness Allowance) etc.

Old age security plays a very crucial and important role in life of a person. There are many pension schemes prevailed in the society with different features and anomalies. Except a few, all they are unable to provide a comprehensive protection to the employees from financial hardships.

Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh examined the issue in details and reviewed all the Pension Schemes. Every feature of all pension schemes was discussed in its Central Executive Committee, recently held in Chennai. And, it was decided in the meeting that there should be demand of guarantee of Minimum Pension not less than half of employees’ last Basic Salary and Dearness Allowance linked with inflation with respect to all Pension Schemes.

In line with above, it was decided in the meeting to observe a “Demand Day” on any day, as per feasibility, in the week of 15-20 March, 2021 and submit a Memorandum to Hon’ble PM of India mentioning all the grievances/ demands related to the matter.

Further, it has been decided by Government Employees National Confederation (GENC) through enclosed letter No. GENC/ Cir/ 2021 dated 19.02.2021 that all the Federations (Constituents of GENC) will conduct the “Demand Day” on 19 March, 2021.

Therefore, all of you are requested to observe “Demand Day” on 19/03/2021 at huge scale by holding all feasible agitational methods like Rallies, Slogan Shouting, Dharna (Sit-in), Wearing Black Badges etc and submit a Memorandum mentioning all the grievances/ demands related to NPS to Hon’ble PM of India through your respective Heads of Departments complying with corona related guidelines.

With regards,

Brotherly Yours

General Secretary/ BPMS & Member
JCM II Level Council (MoD)

Signed copy

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