Railways : Execution of Vakalatanamnas for filing in the Courts

Railways : Execution of Vakalatanamnas for filing in the Courts

Government of India(Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Transport (Pariwahan Mantralya)
7 Department of Railway (Rail Vibhag)
(Railway Board) 

No. E(G) 2021/LL3/1

New Delhi, dated  03/05.02.21

The General Managers, All Indian Railways,
Including Production Units/Projects and
The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow.

Sub:- Execution of Vakalatanamnas for filing in the Courts.

Reference is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 10.09.1986 (Copy enclosed), vide which Railway were advised that the Vakalatnamas have to be signed by the General Manager in all the cases before the Supreme Court where the Railway represented -by the General Manager is being made a party and where the Union of India represented .by the Secretary, Railway Board is being: made a party, Secretary, Railway Board has to sign the Vakalatnama.

Railway is requested to follow the instructions conveyed vide the above referred letter strictly and’ no laxity be shown in future.

Please acknowledge receipt.

DA:As above


(Anita Gautam)
Director, Establishment(G).
Railway Board.

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