Demands of CGHS employees

Government of India
Ministry of health and family welfare
Lok sabha

Unstarred question no 1371
Answered on 17.08.2012

Demands of cghs employees

1371 .shri p. Venugopal

Will the minister of health and family welfare be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the association of the central government health scheme (cghs) employees has made certain demands regarding their service matters;

(b) if so, the details thereof alongwith the reaction of the government in this regard; and

(c) the steps taken by the government in the matter?


Minister of the state in the ministry of health and family welfare (shri ghulam nabi azad)

(a) to (c): yes. Their demands were related to compassionate appointment, grant of macp, appointment of administrative officers, formation of cadre review and rr committees, enhancement of patient care allowance, grant of cash allowance in lieu of uniform and up gradation of pay scale of certain categories of staff etc. The ministry has already initiated action on most of their demands.

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