GDS – Havoc wreaked by severe floods in Kerala and Karnataka Circles

GDS – Havoc wreaked by severe floods in Kerala and Karnataka Circles

Tele-Fax: 23697701

(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007

General Secretary

M. Rajangam
S.S. Mahadevaiah

Ref: GDS/CHQ/14/A/2018

Dated: 23/08/2018

Shri A.N Nanda jee,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi – 1.


Sub: Havoc wreaked by severe floods in Kerala and Karnataka Circles.

The news of the devastation caused by the floods in Kerala and Karnataka Circles does not require to be described in so many words. The condition of the marooned people and those who have been hit by the floods is beyond description and can only be imagined rather than described.

The areas affected by the floods are also likely to be affected by several diseases. The immediate requirements of the affected persons are food, clothing, light (Kerosene, Candles and matches) as the electricity has gone off and medicines of preliminary use as also life saving ones.

The Postal employees, especially the G.D.S. employees are spread over interior parts of the country side. Those in affected areas have lost everything, like other people. These Postal employees require help from the department of Posts. The states Government are trying to rush help to the affected people but these measure are proving to be too limited and too short to mitigate the misfortune. The Postal department, therefore, has to rush immediate help to its employees – help of immediate use and help for reconstruction of the property damaged by the floods.

You are, therefore, requested kindly to view the situation in the flood affected areas as that of human tragedy and natural calamity and take immediate measures to rush the following reliefs to the Postal employees – departmental and GDS employees as;-

(i) Supply of food, clothing; Fuel, lighting materials like Kerosene and Kerosene lamp, candles and matchboxes; and medicines keeping view the present situation and the one that is likely to follow in all probability.

(ii) Arrange sufficient relief from welfare fund commensurate with the severity of conditions three months’ advances pay (TRCA).

(iii) Grant of house building advances of rupees five Lakh to each GDS Employees who lose the house/flood advance, to the GDS Postal employees so that they may repair reconstruct the damage done to their

(iv) Granting additional insurance cover to the employees those who are working in risky areas at high altitudes.

(v) Granting hard duty allowance/Risk allowance for the specially identified in dangerous areas.

We shall be thankful for an early action and a word in reply.

With profound regards,

Yours faithfully,

(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary


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