Special Allowance to Nurses working in Operation Theatre/Incentive care Unit-revision of Allowance

Special Allowance to Nurses working in Operation Theatre/Incentive care Unit-revision of Allowance



The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi.

New Delhi dated. 27.02.2018


Sub:- Special Allowance to Nurses working in Operation Theatre/Incentive care Unit-revision of Allowance-reg.

Ref:- NFIR’s letter No. I/5(g)/Part VI dated 05.01.2018, 16.10.2017, 20.09.2017 and letter No. I/5(g)/Pt. V dated 30.05.2017.

The undersigned is directed to refer to your above quoted letters on the cited subject. It is informed that the rates of Operation Theatre Allowance to Nursing Personnel working in Railway Hospitals have been revised Board’s letter No. E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/MH-1 dated 27.12.2017 (copy enclosed) in accordance with the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide their OM No Z.28015/52/2017-N dated 27.09.2017.

2. Regarding, issue of not mentioning PNM agenda item in the above Board’s letter dated 27.12.2017, it is stated that these accepted recommendations of 7th CPC and instructions issued by MoH&FW. The PNM  item is regarding revision of rate of Special Allowance  to Nurses working in Operation Theatres/Incentive Care Units in accordance with the recommendations of VI CPC.

3. The issue in respect of revision of rates of Special Allowance from Rs. 120/- p.m. to Rs. 360/- p.m. to Nurses working in Operation Theatres/Incentive Care Units is still under consideration in consultation with MoH&FW which is the nodal Ministry in the matter. Information in this regard is still awaited inspite of several reminders last being sent on 19.02.2018 (copy enclosed). Ministry of Railways cannot take the decision of revision of rates from Rs. 120/- p.m. to Rs. 360/- p.m. unilaterally. As and when such a communication is received from MoH&FW, the rates will be revised duly acknowledging NFIR’s PNM Agenda item.


PC-VII No.85
RBE No.207/2017

No. E(P&A)1-2017/SP-1./MH-1

New Delhi, dated 27.12.2017

The General Managers and Principal Financial Advisers,
All Indian Railways Production Units.

Sub: Revision of rates of Operation Theatre Allowance (Special Allowance) to the Nursing Personnel working in Railway Hospitals as per the recommendations of 7th CPC — regarding.

Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government of India on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to revision of allowances, the President is pleased to revise the rate of Operation Theatre Allowance (Special Allowance renamed as Operation Theatre Allowance) to Rs, 540/- per month to the Nursing Personnel working in the following specialized areas in Railway Hospitals under the Ministry of Railways:-

(a) All Major Operation Theatres
(b) All Intensive Care Units/Intensive Care Treatment areas
(c) Coronary Care Units/Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories
(d) Dialysis Unit/Ward and Transplant Units/Wards
(e) Intensive Care Units for Burns
(f) Tetanus Wards and Rabies Wards
(g) Paediatric Nursery/ Neonatal Units.

2. Operation Theatre Allowance admissible to nursing personnel is subject to the following conditions:

(i) The allowance shall be paid to the nursing personnel for such period only when the concerned staff is actually working in the specified areas. The minimum period for working in the specialized areas will be two to three years.

(ii) No Nursing Officer with less than one year of service is to be posted for duty in these areas.

(iii) This allowance is restricted to 35% of the total staff strength of nursing staff of any hospital.

3. The revised rates of Allowance shall be admissible with effect from the 1st of July, 2017.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the :finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Anil Kumar)
Dy. Director/E(P&A)-I
Railway Board.



New Delhi, dated


Sub : Accepted Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission in respect of Special Allowance- Clarification regarding grant of Special Allowance to Nurses working in Operation, Theatres/Intensive Care Units.

The undersigned is directed to invite the attention of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to this Ministry’s 0.M. of even number dated 03.02.2015 (copy enclosed) on the above subject followed by several reminders, last being 06.11.2017 (copy enclosed). vide which Ministry of Health & Family Welfare(MoH&FW) were requested to advise as to whether the rate of Special Allowance in respect of Nurses working in Operation Theaters/Incentive Care Units ; has been revised in accordance with the recommendations of VI CPC or not. The advice of MoH&FW in the matter is still awaited. One of the recognized Federations viz. NFIR has been raising the demand for grant of this allowance at revised rates since long. Several representations from the Federation have been received for grant of this allowance at revised rates. Therefore, it is requested to advise the duration of payment of the aforementioned allowance ,Rs.240/- and Rs.360/- immediately to enable the Ministry of Railways to take appropriate action in the matter. A copy of the letter in respect of revising the OTA @ Rs. 540 as per Resolution dated 06.07.2017 may also kindly be provided.

DA: As above

(Anil Kumar)
Railway Board.

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Nursing Section.
(Kind Attention: Shri A.K.Sahoo. Undern Secretary/N) Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

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