The Government of India’s Ministry of Railways, through the Railway Board, has announced that it will not permit the engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) against temporary vacancies arising from Indian Railway Health Service (IRHS) doctors proceeding on sanctioned Study leave. This decision was made in a letter dated 12.01.2021 and reiterated in a letter dated 17.01.2023. The reason for this decision is that it would amount to incurring “double expenditure” for the same post. The Railway Board also advises General Managers to consider the availability of specialists and the ability to manage work without a substitute when granting study leave. The South Western Railway’s letter requesting permission for engagement of CMPs against Study leave vacancies also stands disposed of.
Engagement of CMPs against Study leave vacancies
(रेलवे बोर्ड/ RAILWAY BOARD)
No. 2020/E(GR)II/1/1 – Part(4)
New Delhi, dated 17.01.2023
General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways & PUs,
(as pér standard mailing list)
{ Attn. : Dy. Chief Personnel Officer (Gaz.) }
Sub: Engagement of CMPs against Study leave vacancies – regd.
Vide Board’s letter No. 2020/E(GR)II/1/1 dated 12.01.2021, it was inter-alia conveyed to All Indian Railway/PUs that it is not feasible to permit engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) against temporary vacancies arising on account of IRHS doctors proceeding on sanctioned Study leave.
- Recently, requests have been received from some of the Zonal Railways again, seeking permission for engagement of CMPs against Study leave vacancies and also requesting Board’s office to revisit the letter dated 12.01.2021, stating that when an officer is on any kind of leave (on leave salary), for more than one year, it is taken as vacancy and therefore filled-up by promotion or by posting some other officer to look after the duties.
- The issue has been re-examined in Board’s office in consultation with Health Dte., and it is reiterated that engagement of CMPs against Study leave vacancies has not been found feasible as this amounts to incurring ‘double expenditure’ for the same post.
- As regards shortage of doctors on account of ADMOs availing Study leave, attention is drawn to Board’s instructions contained in letter No. E(O)III-2016/PL/03 dated 17.10.2006 which prescribe that General Managers, while considering the proposals for grant of study leave, shall satisfy themselves that more than the required number of specialists are not already available and that the work can be managed without substitute during the absence of the officers, who have been granted study leave.
- This has the concurrence of DG/HR & DG/RHS, Railway Board.
- South Western Railway’s letter No. SWR/HQ/P.108/CMP/2022 dated 08.12.2022 also stands disposed of.
(Kamal Kishor)
Deputy Director/Estt. (Gaz. Rectt.)-II
Railway Board.
Tel: 011-23047261
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