Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 – Revision of scale of pay of Teachers – Fixation of pay of Teachers in the Selection Grade / Special Grade – Clarification – Regarding

Finance(Pay Cell) Department
Chennai – 600 009.

Letter No. 7013/Pay Cell/ 2011–1, dated: 07–02–2011

Thiru M. Padmanabhan, B.Com.,
Additional Secretary to Government.


Sub: Tamil Nadu Revised Scales of Pay, 2009 – Revision of scale of pay of Teachers – Fixation of pay of Teachers in the Selection Grade / Special Grade – Clarification – Regarding.

1. G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 1-6-2009.
2. G.O.Ms.No.235, Finance (PC) Department, dated: 1-6-2009.
3. Government Letter No.41530 / Pay Cell / 2009-1, Finance Department, dated: 28—07–2009.
4. Government Letter No.63305 / Pay Cell / 2010–1 & 2, Finance Department, dated: 8–11–2010.
5. Government Letter No.63305 / Pay Cell / 2010–5, Finance Department, dated: 30–11–2010
6. G.O.Ms.No.23, Finance (PC) Department, dated:12–01–2011.
7. Representation from the Tamilaga Nadu Asiriyar Kootani, dated: 27–01–2011.


I am to invite your attention to the references cited.

2. In the reference fourth and fifth cited, necessary instructions have been issued regarding fixation of pay of employees in Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay duly indicating the Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay based on the revision granted to the Ordinary Grade scales of pay for certain posts based on the recommendations of the One Man Commission. In the said instructions, it was also informed that the revised Selection Grade /Special Grade scales of pay indicated in Annexure-I of the reference fourth cited is admissible only in cases where the scales of pay of Ordinary Grade posts were revised based on the recommendations of One Man Commission and subsequent Government Orders.

3. In the reference sixth cited among others, orders have been issued revising the scales of pay of B.T.Teachers, P.G.Teachers, Head Master, Primary School, Head Master of Middle School and Head Master, Higher Secondary School / District Education Officers notionally with effect from 1-1-2006 and with monetary benefit from 1-1-2011.

4. A doubt has now been raised as to whether the guidelines issued in the reference fourth and fifth cited regarding fixation of pay of employees in the Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay is also applicable to the teachers consequent on the revision of scale of pay ordered in the G.O 6th cited. I am directed to clarify that the Teachers whose Ordinary Grade scales of pay have been revised in the G.O. 6th cited are also entitled for revision of Selection Grade / Special Grade scales of pay as indicated in Annexure-I of the reference 4th cited and also as indicated in the reference 5th cited subject to the guidelines and conditions stipulated therein. Further, I am also to inform that the Teachers whose scales of pay have been revised in the G.O 6th cited are also entitled to exercise re-option, if advantageous within 3 months from the date of issue of the above G.O as clarified in the reference 3rd cited. In the case of Teacher who have exercised original option to fix their pay in the revised scale of pay on 1-1-2006 and now exercise re-option at a later date beyond 1-1-2006, then in such cases, the pay fixing authorities are requested to fix the pay of the individuals according to the revised option after obtaining a declaration from the individual to the effect that the excess payment paid to them by way of arrears (including Interim Arrears) may be recovered from the arrears to be paid, if any or from their salary and in one lumpsum from the DCRG in case of retirement whichever is earlier.

Yours faithfully,

for Additional Secretary to Government.


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