Inordinate delay in conducting LDCE and Intermediate Apprentice Quota selections on Zonal Railways -Finmin Order

Inordinate delay in conducting LDCE and Intermediate Apprentice Quota selections on Zonal Railways

RBE No.36/2017


New Delhi, dated 21.04.2017


The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways & PUs. 
(As per standard list)

Sub : Inordinate delay in conducting LDCE and Intermediate Apprentice Quota selections on Zonal Railways.

The Zonal Railway Administrations are aware of the fact that Selection is the process of screening eligible employees for filing up posts which have been classified as Selection Posts by the Railway Board. Selections are to be conducted annually in a regular manner by a duly constituted Selection Board. Extant instructions also provide that next selection can be initiated after a minimum time gap of 6 months from the date of last Selection, if sitUaion so warrant. For this, a calendar of selections is to be maintained by every Railway Administration for smooth functioning.

  1. In spite of clear instructions, cases have been brought to the notice of Board where it has been stated that LOGE oi:„Intermediate Apprentice Quota selections are not held timely, causing undue hardship to staff. This issue has also been raised by NFIR in the PNM forum.
  1. In view of above, it is hereby directed that all Selections, including LDCE and Intermediate Appreltice Quota may be conducted timely, so that staff are not deprived of timely promotion.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. Hindi version shall follow.

(P. M. Meena)
Deputy Director-11/E(NG)I
Railway Board.

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