Pay element relating to Running Staff

Pay element relating to Running Staff


No. E(P&A)II-2015/RS-25

New Delhi,

dated: 24.01.2017

The General Manager,
All Indian Railways
and Production Units.

Sub.:- Pay element relating to Running Staff after the recommendations of Seventh CPC.


It has come to notice that on some of the zonal railways add-on pay element of 55% is not being reckoned for calculation of emoluments for the purpose of retirement benefits for the running staff on the basic pay fixed in the 7th CPC pay structure. As per Rule 924 (iii) of IREM-I that is still valid, 55% of Basic Pay is reckoned as add-on pay element for calculation of pension and DCRG of the Running Staff. It is therefore advised that calculation of retirement benefits of the running staff may be made as per extant Rule 924 (iii) of IREM-I on the revised basic pay in the 7th CPC.

2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Dhruv Singh)
Executive Director
Pay Commission-I
Railway Board
Tele.fax No. 23378355.

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