10th Pay Revision Commission Report-Download here

10th Pay Revision Commission Report


Kerala has achieved the distinction of being a ‘high performing’ State of the Indian Republic and development experts have often acclaimed what is described as the “Kerala Model” of economic and social development. Near universal literacy, high expectancy of life, access to electricity, drinking water and sanitation facilities are among the key parameters of Kerala’s development record since independence. From the point of view of equity between the genders, Kerala offers probably the best prospects for the female child. These outcomes are greatly influenced by the performance of the agencies and manpower controlled by the Government of Kerala, supplemented significantly by private actors especially in education, health and other sectors. It is essential to provide an enabling environment to all workers in the State sector so that they continue to maintain high standards of integrity, efficiency and commitment to the furtherance of the goals chosen by the people of the State. The morale of public servants is closely linked to their salaries, pensions and access to affordable health care. Among the States of the Republic, at this point in time, Kerala affords one of the best remuneration packages to its employees and the relatively smooth functioning of the machinery of Government is an indicator of the satisfaction level among its employees. The task before the State now is to sustain the morale of its employees through the introduction of prudent and sustainable
improvements in their pay packages and perquisites. It is equally important to ensure that the skill levels of State sector employees are enhanced in such a way that the productivity of the machinery of Government is maintained at a high level. The tax payers and common citizens are watching the performance of the Government and they rightly expect good value for their money.



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