Counting of periods towards increment

Counting of periods towards increment

No.1(1)-E.III (A)/67
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, the 11th December, 1970


Subject:- Counting of periods towards increment.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum of even No. dated 27th January, 1963 and to say that a doubt has been raised regarding the method to be adopted  in arriving at the date of increment, where the different spells and/or total of the periods not counting for increment exceeds 29 days. It is clarified in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, that in such cases the periods as well as the total of periods not counting for increment should be converted in terms of months and days in accordance with the provisions of Audit Instruction below FR.9(18). The total period so converted into months and days shall be added to the date of normal increment, to arrive at the actual date of increment as provided in proviso to FR. 26(a).

Illustrations explaining the method of reckoning the date of increment under the amended rule are given in the annexure of this Memorandum.

(Kirpa Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.


a). Date of last increment : 25-06-1969

b). Periods of E.O.L. Suspension, and other periods not counting for increment:-



To Particulars


Y. M. D.
29-07-1969 31-07-1969 E.O.L. (not counting 3
07-10-1969 02-01-1970 Suspension not counting 2 27
15-03-1970 05-04-1970 E.O.L. not counting 22
Total of the periods not counting for increment 3 22


c). Determination of the actual date of increment:-


  • Date of Last increment                                                                                          25-06-1969
  • Date of next incrementIn the normal course                                                    25-06-1970


  • Total of the periods Not counting for Increment as shown At (b) above          3m 22d


Date of increment in Accordance with proviso To FR 26 (a)                                  12.10.1970



a). Date of last increment 25-06-1969

b). Periods of E.O.L., Suspension etc., not counting for increment



To Particulars


07-08-1969 10-08-1969 E.O.L. not Counting 4
19-10-1969 05-11-1969 Suspension declared not counting for increment 18
20-02-1970 11-03-1970 E.O.L. not counting 20
Total of period not counting for increment 1 12


c). Determination of the actual date of increment.


Date of last increment                                                                                                 25-06-1969

Date of increment in the Normal course                                                                 25-06-1970


Total of periods not counting For increment as shown at (b) Above.                      1m  12d


Date of increment in accordanceWith proviso to Fr 26(a)                                 06-08-1970



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