Fixation of initial pay in Grade I of the Central Secretariat Service.

Fixation of initial pay in Grade I of the Central Secretariat Service.


Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Expenditure

 New Delhi, the 25th January, 1968


 Subject:- Fixation of initial pay in Grade I of the Central Secretariat Service.

 The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum No.3/12/60-CS(A) dated the 24th January, 1961, and to the clarification against it No.(ii) of the Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.F.12(9)-  (Spl)/60, dated the 13th March, 1961 according to which, Section Officers of the Central Secretariat Service who had retained Class I status as personal to them are treated for the purpose of rank, promotion, etc. as holders of Class I appointments.  Consequently, when these Section Officers are promoted to Grade I of the Central Secretariat Service, their initial pay in that grade is fixed under F.R. 22(1)(i) only.  As a result of representations received from officers of this category promoted to Grade I of the C.S.S., the question of fixation of initial pay on such promotion has been received in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the President has been pleased to decide as follows;-

  • When a Section Officer who had retained a Class I status and who is drawing pay of Rs. 865 in this revised Scale of Section Officers grade has been or is promoted to Grade I of the C.S.S. after 1.4.61 his initial pay in the latter post shall in relaxation of F.R. 22-C be fixed at Rs. 950 with payment of arrears, in respect of the past period.
  • If, as a result of fixation of pay as in sub-para (i) above, a junior officer, who is promoted when drawing a pay of Rs. 865/- as Senior Officer gets more pay in Grade I than a senior who got promoted earlier when his pay as Section Officer was Rs. 830/-, the pay of Senior in Grade I shall be stepped up to make it equal to the pay fixed for the junior in that grade.  The stepping up should be done under F.R. 27 with effect from the date of promotion of the junior and will be subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions;-
  • Both the junior and senior officers should have been included in the Select List prepared for appointment of Grade I of the C.S.S.;
  • The officer, with reference to whose pay the Stepping up of Pay is claimed by the senior officer, should be junior to the latter in the Senior List for Grade I;
  • The junior officer should not be drawing more pay that the senior in the post of Section Officer from time to time;
  • The anomaly of the Senior drawing less pay than the junior in Grade I should be direct result of pay fixation as in sub-para (i) above. Thus, if the higher pay of the junior is due to his inclusion in the Select List for broken periods and drawn the last pay on such occasion, the stepping up will not be admissible.
  • The next increment of the senior will be allowed after completion of one full year of qualifying service from the date from which the pay is stepped up.
  1. These orders take effect from the date of issue in respect of cases falling under sub-para (ii).  In past cases of promotion to Grade I on or after 1.4.1961, pay will be refixed in terms of these orders nationally from the appropriate dates, but the actual benefit of the enhanced pay will be admissible only from the date of issue of these orders.


(V. Doraiswamy)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.








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