Treatment of the period of taking over charge by direct recruits appointed to the posts involving verification and inspection of stores etc., as duty under F.R.9(6)(b)

Treatment of the period of taking over charge by direct recruits appointed to the posts involving verification and inspection of stores etc., as duty under F.R.9(6)(b)


Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Expenditure

 New Delhi, the 2nd November, 1965


 Subject:- Treatment of the period of taking over charge by direct recruits appointed to the posts involving verification and inspection of stores etc., as duty under F.R.9(6)(b).

 The undersigned is directed to say that a question has been raised whether the period spent by newly appointed Engineer Officers from the day they report for duty to the day they complete taking over charge of posts involving verification and inspection of stores etc., can be treated as duty under the provisions of F.R. 9(6)(b).

 2. The President is pleased to decide that such periods will be treated as “duty”. It is not necessary to create new posts to accommodate the direct recruits since treating the period as duty by itself a sufficient sanction in this regard.


(N.N.K. Nair)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.

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