Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the representatives of AIDEF, INDWF, BPMS & CDRA held at Kolkata on 27-01-2015 to consider the proposal of Govt. to Corporatize Ordnance Factories

Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the representatives of AIDEF, INDWF, BPMS & CDRA held at Kolkata on 27-01-2015 to  consider the proposal of Govt. to Corporatize Ordnance Factories 

A Joint meeting of the representatives of AIDEF, INDWF, BPMS & CDRA was held at Kolkata on 27-0102015 to consider the proposal of Govt. to Corporatize Ordnance Factories. The following were present in the meeting :-

AIDEF   INDWF BPMS                                                CDRA  
S.N. Pathak, R. Srinivasan Sadhu Singh Suresh Kumar
President Genl. Secy Org. Secy GS/AIANGO
C.Srikumar V.K.Tiwari B.R.Naresh Kumar H.K.Trivedi
Genl. Secy Treasurer Org. Secy GS/NDNSA


The meeting took stock of the recent development which are taking place at the MOD especially the proposal of MOD to consider converting the OFB  Organisation into a Corporation. In the past on three occasions when MOD was considering the proposal for implementing Nair Committee and Kelkar Committee Recommendations for Corporatiszing the Ordnance Factories the Federations and Associations have opposed the same and served Strike Notice on the Government against any such move. On all the three occasions negotiations took place with MOD under the Chairmanship of then Defence Ministers and based on the assurance given that OFB would not be Corporatized the Federations have withdrawn their Strike Notice. The Federations and the CDRA vehemently oppose any move of the Government to Corporatise/ re-structure the OFB Organisation, since Corporatisation is the first step for privatization. Therefore, it was decided unanimously that the Federations and the Associations should unitedly fight against any such move of the Govt. In this regard the following decisions were taken unanimously.


  1. The Staff side Members of the OFB JCM II Level Council representing AIDEF, INDWF, BPMS & CDRA would meet separately and adopt a resolution against Corporatisation of Ordnance Factories and subnit the same to the DGOF & Chairman in the JCM Meeting to be held on 28-01-2015. The resolution would be proposed by Shri C. Srikumar, Leader/Staff Side (AIDEF) and would be supported by Shri R. Srinivasan, Secretary/Staff Side (INDWF), Shri Sadhu Singh, Member/Staff Side (BPMS) and Shri Suresh Kumar, Member/Staff Side (CDRA). The Staff Side would request the Chairman to forward the resolution with his favaourable recommendation to MOD, (A copy of the resolution is enclosed as Annexure of this Minutes). Thereafter the Staff Side Members would walk out from the JCM Meeting for 10 Minutes as a token protest.
  1. Since the Hon’ble Defence Minister has assured the Federations that he would invite the Federations after 15th February, 2015 to have a discussion about the MOD’s proposal on the future of the OFB it was decided to wait up to 28th February, 2015. In case no such meeting takes place it was decided to observe the following action programmes :-

i) To stage a massive demonstration in front of OFB HQrs. AAyudh Bhawan, Kolkata) to protest against any move of the Government against the interest of the Ordnance Factories during March 2015.

ii) To hold a National Convention against Corporatisation of OFB at New Delhi Duning April, 2015 in which a declaration will be adopted including action programmes culminating to an indefinite Stricke.

iii) To boycott the JCM IV Level Council by the Unions and Associations in all the Ordnance Factories for 10 Minutes during the month of February, 2015 and submit a joint resolution to the GM on the same line as submitted to the Chairman/OFB in the JCM III Level Council with a request to the GM to forward the same to MOD.

3. It was decided to invite the un-recognised Federations and all recognized Associations in the future meetings.

4. As regards the National Joint Council of Action of Central Government Employees it was decided that the NJCA would be requested to invite the BMS affiliated Federations functioning at Defence, Raiways and Postal in the future meetings of NJCA so as to built up a broad based unity amongst Central Government Employees.

5. The next joint meeting would take place some time during first week of March, 2015 after mutual consultations.

6. It was decided that the Minutes of this meeting along with the Annexure would be circulated to all the affiliated Unions/ Branches of the respective Federations and CDRA.

(C.Srikumar)General Secretary           


(R. Srinivasan)General Secretary


(Sadhu Singh)Organising Secretary



(Suresh Kumar)General Secretary



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