Railway – Enhanced Delegation of Powers to GMs and DRMs conveyed vide Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017



New Delhi, dated: 22.01.2022

The General Manager, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE
The DG/RDSO/Lucknow

Subject: Corrigendum Slip No 4 to enhanced Delegation of Powers to GMs and DRMs conveyed vide Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017

Vide Railway Board letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017 enhanced delegation of powers to GMs and DRMs was conveyed. Corrigendum Slip No. 3 to this letter was issued vide letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 05.02.2018.

2.Corrigendum Slip No. 4 to letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017 approved by Competent Authority is enclosed as Annexure I.

This issues with the concurrence of Associate Finance of Transformation Cell, Railway Board.

Kindly acknowledge receipt and ensure compliance

Encl: As above

(Pranav Kumar Mallick)
Executive Director (Transformation)
Railway Board
Tele: 011-23047542, email: pranav.mallick[at]nic.in


Corrigendum Slip No 4 to enhanced Delegation of Powers to GMs and DRMs conveyed vide Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017 Para E (Establishment Matters) Item 5 “Approval of Tour Programmes of General Managers and DRMs” may be read as under:

Item &   Reference Existing Delegation(as per Corrigendum Slip   No. 3 issued vide letter no 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 05.02.2018) Revised Delegation
Approval to Tour Programme of General Managers and DRMs For GMs

No approval is required for Tour Programmes of General Managers, for tour upto two (2) days in a week within India. Prior initiation should be given by GM to CRB/concerned Board Member in such cases. In case of tour for more than two (2) days in a week, prior approval of CRB / concerned Board Member should be obtained.

Above delegation is also applicable to CAQOs holding independent charge of Production Units and exercising powers of GM of Zonal Railway.

For DRMs

No approval is required for Tour Programmes of DRMs for tour upto two (2) days in a week within the zone. Prior initiation should be given by DRM to concerned GM in such cases. In case of tour for more than two (2) days in a week within the Zone, prior approval of GM should be obtained. For tour outside the Zone, DRMs should seek prior approval of GM.
For GMs

Tour Programme within the Zone:
No approval is required for Tour Programmes of General Managers. Intimation should be given to the Chairman & C.E.O, Railway Board / concerned Board Member.

Tour Programme outside the Zone:
Prior approval of the Chairman & C.E.O, Railway Board / concerned Board Member should be obtained.

For DRMs

Tour Programme within the Division:

No approval is required for Tour Programmes. Intimation should be given to the concerned GM.

Tour Programme outside the Zone:
Prior approval of concerned GM should be obtained

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