OROP Table for JCOs/ORs including Honorary commissioned officers (Enhanced rate of ordinary family pension)

OROP TABLE ENHANCED RATE OF ORDINARY FAMILY PENSION – JCOs/ORs including Honorary commissioned officers

TABLE – 16



Group Hold

Sepoy and
Hony Naik and
Naik / Naik (TS)
and equivalent
Hony Havildar
and equivalent
Havildar and
Hony Naib Sub.
and equivalent
Artificer lit-I
(Navy only)
Naib Subedar
and equivalent
Subedar and
Subedar Major
and equivalent
Hony Lieutenant Hony Captain NCs(E)
PRE-1973 “A” B to  H “A” B to  H “A” B to  H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H
POST 1.1.1973 “A” B to  E “A” B to  E -A” B to  E “A” B to  E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E
POST 10.1+0.97 “V Y, Z “X” Y, Z “X” Y, Z “V Y, Z “V `I, 2 “X” Y, Z nr “X” Y, Z “X” Y, Z “X” Y, 1
POST 1.1.2006 X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X X Y X Y X Y
Q.S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
0.5 5230 5152 5852 5152 6125 5383 6125 5383 6308 6308 6308 6308 6308 6745 6308 7030 7030 7574 7276 7574 8348 3809
1 5230 5230 5930 5230 6220 5464 6220 5464 6404 6404 6404 6404 6404 6847 6404 7137 7137 7689 7386 7689 8475 3868
1.5 5230 5230 5930 5230 6314 5548 6314 5548 6503 6503 6503 6503 6503 6953 6503 7247 7247 7808 7500 7808 8606 3926
2 6080 5388 6088 5388 6412 5632 6412 5632 6602 6602 6602 6602 6602 7058 6602 7357 7357 7926 7614 7926 8737 3987
2.5 6080 5453. 6153 5453 6509 5719 6509 5719 6704 6704 6704 6704 6704 7167 6704 7471 7471 8049 7732 8049 8872 4047
3 6080 5520 6220 5520 6610 5806 6610 5806 6806 6806 6806 6806 6806 7276 6806 7584 7584 8171 7849 8171 9007 4110
3.5 6080 5630 6330 5630 6710 5896 6710 5896 6911 6911 6911 6911 6911 7389 6911 7701 7701 8297 7970 8297 9146 4172
4 6080 5680 6380 5680 6814 5985 6814 5985 7016 7016 7016 7016 7016 7501 7016 7818 7818 8423 8091 8423 9285 4237
4.5 6080 5725 6425 5725 6917 6078 6917 6078 7124 7124 7124 7124 7124 7617 7124 7939 7939 8553 8216 8553 9429 4301
5 6080 5775 6475 5775 7024 6170 7024 6170 7232 7232 7232 7232 7232 7732 7232 8059 8059 8683 8341 8683 9572 4367
5.5 6080 5868 6568 5868 7130 6170 7130 6170 7344 7344 7344 7344 7344 7852 7344 8184 8184 8817 8470 8817 9720 4433
6 6080 5868 6568 5868 7240 6220 7240 6220 7455 7455 7455 7455 7455 7971 7455 8308 8308 8951 8598 8951 9868 4502
6.5 6080 6015 6715 6015 7350 6530 7350 6530 7455 7455 7455 7455 7531 8094 7455 8436 8436 9089 8731 9089 10021 4570
7 7145 6015 7145 6015 7350 6530 7350 6530 7455 7455 7455 7455 7645 8217 7455 8564 8564 9227 8863 9227 10173 4641
7.5 7145 6035 7145 6035 7350 6530 7350 6530 7455 7455 7455 7455 7763 8344 7455 8696 8696 9370 9000 9370 10330 4711
8 7145 6185 7145 6185 7510 6540 7510 6540 7510 7455 7510 7455 7881 8471 7455 8828 8828 9512 9137 9512 10487 4784
8.5 7145 6185 7145 6185 8070 6540 8070 6540 8070 7455 8070 7455 8070 8602 7455 8965 8965 9659 9278 9659 10649 4856
9 7145 6188 7145 6188 8070 6540 8070 6540 8070 7455 8070 7455 8124 8732 7455 9101 9101 9806 9419 9806 10811 4931
9.5 7145 6188 7145 6188 8070 6618 8070 6618 8070 7455 8070 7455 8250 8867 7455 9242 9242 9958 9565 9958 10978 5006
10 7145 6188 7145 6188 8070 6640 8070 6640 8070 7455 8070 7455 8375 9002 7507 9382 9382 10109 9710 10109 11145 5083
10.5 7145 6188 7145 6188 8070 6640 8070 6640 8070 7455 8070 7455 8504 9141 7623 9527 9527 10265 9860 10265 11317 5160
11 7145 6420 7145 6420 8070 6860 8070 6860 8070 7455 8070 7455 8633 9280 7739 9672 9672 10421 10010 10421 11489 5160
11.5 7145 6590 7290 6590 8070 6860 8070 6860 8070 7455 8070 7455 8767 9424 7859 9822 9822 10582 10165 10582 11667 5160
12 7145 6590 7290 6590 8070 6860 8070 6860 8070 7455 8070 7455 8900 9567 7978 9971 9971 10743 10319 10743 11844 5160
12.5 7145 6665 7365 6665 8070 6913 8070 6913 8070 7455 8070 7455 9038 9715 8101 10125 10125 10909 10479 10909 12027 5160
13 7145 6665 7365 6665 8070 6920 8070 6920 8136 7455 8078 7455 9175 9862 8224 10279 10279 11075 10638 11075 12210 5380
13.5 7145 6665 7365 6665 8070 6920 8070 6920 8201 7543 8201 7543 9317 10014 8351 10438 10438 11246 10802 11246 12399 5380
14 7145 6665 7365 6665 8070 6920 8070 6920 8328 7543 8328 7543 9458 10166 8478 10596 10596 11417 10966 11417 12587 5380
14.5 7145 6665 7365 6665 8070 7135 8070 7135 8454 7543 8454 7543 9604 10323 8609 10760 10760 11594 11136 11594 12782 5380
15 7145 6665 7365 6665 8375 7170 8375 7170 8585 7550 8585 7550 9750 10480 8740 10923 10923 11770 11305 11770 12976 5380
15.5 7145 6665 7365 6665 8375 7170 8375 7170 8715 7598 8715 7598 9750 10480 8740 10923 10923 11952 11480 11952 13177 5380
16 7145 6665 7365 6665 8375 7170 8375 7170 8778 7598 8778 7691 9750 10480 8740 11045 10923 12134 11654 12134 13377 5380
16.5 7145 6665 7365 6665 8375 7170 8375 7170 8778 7598 8867 7810 9750 10480 8740 11045 10923 12322 11834 12322 13584 5380
17 7145 6665 7365 6665 8375 7170 8375 7170 8925 7598 9002 7928 9750 10480 8740 11150 11150 12509 12014 12509 13790 5380
17.5 7145 6698 7398 6698 8375 7170 8375 7170 8925 7598 9141 8051 9750 10480 8740 11615 11150 12702 122001 12702 14003 6125
18 7145 6698 7398 6698 8375 7170 8375 7170 8925 7655 9280 8173 9750 10480 8740 11615 11150 12895 12385 12895 14216 6125
18.5 7145 6783 7483 6783 8375 7170 8375 7170 8925 7693 9424 8299 9750 10480 8740 11615 11150 12895 12385 12895 14436 6125

TABLE – 16


Group Hold

Sepoy and
Hony Naik and
Naik I Naik (TS)
and equivalent
Hony Havildar
and equivalent
Havildar and
Hony Naib Sub.
and equivalent
Artificer III – I
(Navy only)
Naib Subedar
and equivalent
Subedar and
Subedar Major
and equivalent
Hony Lieutenant Hony Captain NCs(E)
PRE-1973 “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H “A” B to H
POST 1.1.1973 “A” B to  E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E “A” B to E
POST 10.19.97 “X” Y, Z “V Y, Z “X” Y, Z “X” Y, Z “X Y, Z “V Y, Z “X” Y, Z “V Y, Z “X” Y, Z
POST 1.1.2006 X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X Y X X v X Y X Y
Q.S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19         ( 20 21 22
19 7145 6783 7483 6783 8375 7170 8375 7170 9055 7693 9567 8425 9750 10480 8740 11615 11150 12895 12385 12895 14655 6125
19.5 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7170 9055 7693 9715 8425 9750 10480 8740 11615 11150 12895 12385 12921 14882 6125
20 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7170 9055 7795 9862 8425 10335 10480 8755 11615 11150 12895 12385 13117 15108 6125
20.5 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7170 9055 7795 10014 8425 10335 10480 8755 11615 11150 12895 12385 13320 15342 6125
21 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7170 9055 7795 10166 8425 10335 10480 8853 11615 11150 12960 12385 13522 15575 6125
21.5 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7170 9055 7795 10323 8425 10335 10480 8934 11615 11150 12960 12385 13731 15575 6125
22 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7200 9055 7795 10480 8425 10335 10527 9005 11615 11150 12960 12385 13940 15575 6125
22.5 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7200 9280 7795 10642 8425 10335 10642 9338 11615 11150 12960 12385 14156 15575 6125
23 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7200 9280 7795 10804 8425 10335 10804 9338 11615 11150 12960 12385 14371 15575 6125
23.5 7145 6875 7575 6875 8375 7170 8375 7200 9793 7795 10971 8425 10335 10971 9338 11615 11150 12960 12565 14593 15945 6125
24 7145 6875 7575 6875 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7808 11138 8425 10335 11138 9429 11615 11150 12960 12565 14815 15945 6125
24.5 7145 6875 7575 6875 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7808 11138 8535 10335 11138 9652 11716 11150 12960 12565 15044 15945 6125
25 7145 6875 7575 6875 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7808 11138 8605 10335 11138 9733 12820 11150 13068 12565 15273 15945 6125
25.5 7145 7070 7770 7070 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7808 11205 8783 10335 11205 9946 12820 11150 13068 12565 15273 15945 6125
26 7145 7070 7770 7070 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7995 11205 8783 10335 11205 10405 12820 11427 13068 12565 15273 15945 6125
26.5 7145 7070 7770 7070 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7995 11205 8783 10335 11261 10415 12820 11476 13068 12565 15273 15945 6125
27 7145 7070 7770 7070 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7995 11205 8783 10335 11261 10415 13085 11859 13557 12565 15336 16201 6125
27.5 7145 7070 7770 7070 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7995 11205 8783 10335 11418 10577 13085 11859 13557 12757 15821 16201 6125
28 7145 7070 7770 7070 8525 7170 8525 7374 9793 7995 11205 8783 10335 11958 10742 13215 12268 13590 12757 16090 17010 6125
28.5 13215 12268 13795 12757 16090 17010 6125
29 13415 12268 13990 13045 16090 17010 6125
29.6 13415 12460 13990 13045 16090 17010 6125
30 13643 12690 14140 13045 16090 17010 6125
30.5 14348 13045 16090 17010 6125
 31 14348 13045 16090 17010 6125
31.5 14348 13045 16090 17010 6125
32 14348 13045 16090 17010 6125
32.5 14348 13045 16090 17010 6125
33 & above 14348 13045 16160 17010 6125

1) For revision of pension, the qualifying service mentioned in first column shall be taken as actual qualifying service rendered for which pension had been sanctioned.
2) Pension of JCO/ORs granted upgradation under ACP/MACP scheme, shall be revised with reference to the rank for which ACP/MACP had been granted.

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