CLC Order: Revised VDA Minimum wages for Sweeping and Cleaning worker

Revised VDA Minimum wages for Sweeping and Cleaning worker

Government of India
Ministry of Labour& Employment
Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner(C)
New Delhi



In exercise of the powers conferred by the Central Government Vide Notification No. 5.0.190(E) dated 19th January, 2017 of the Ministry of Labour & Employment, the undersigned hereby revise the rates of Variable Dearness Allowance on the basis of the average consumer price index number for the preceding period of six month ending on 30.06.2020 reaching 329.16 from 324 (Base 2001¬100) and thereby resulting in an increase of 5.16 points for Industrial workers and direct that this order shall come into force w.e.f. 01.10.2020.

RATES OF V.D.A.FOR EMPLOYEES EMPLOYED IN “Employment of Sweeping and Cleaning excluding activities prohibited under the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993”.

`A’ 116
`B’ 97
`C’ 77

Therefore, the minimum rates of wages showing the basic rates and Variable Dearness Allowance payable w.e.f 01.10.2020 shall be as under:-

AREA RATES OF WAGES PLUS V.D.A. PER DAY                          Basic                           V.D.A.                           Total       


(Rs.)                        (Rs.)                              (RS.)

`A’ 523 + 116 = 639
‘B’ 437 + 97 = 534
`C’ 350 + 77 = 427

The VDA has been rounded off to the next higher rupee as per the decision of the Minimum Wages Advisory Board.

The classification of workers under different categories will be same as in Part-I of the notification, whereas classification of cities will be same as in the Part-II of the notification dated 19th January, 2017. The present classification of cities into areas A, B & C is enclosed at Annexure I for ready reference.

Chief Labour Commissioner(C)

Signed Copy

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